Dec 28, 2010
Dec 26, 2010
Dec 14, 2010
Dec 12, 2010
Dec 7, 2010
so what, i like to have fun!
Nov 29, 2010
but you've forgotten about the photos you took of yourself modeling the new coat your mom got you for your birthday in the mirror

and a week later you realize this and you assume he must've seen them when he downloaded the photos to his computer, and so you bring it up by re-enacting the photos of yourself modeling your coat as a way of sort of laughing off the embarrassment, and then he tells you he didn't see them, he just dragged over the couple photos he needed based on the file date, but thanks for the re-enactment.
Nov 17, 2010
cats on the internet: for education!
i've been worried about my cats lately because i saw this big, flesh-colored cat lurking in the trees outside my house -- what kind of cat is flesh-colored? he's not white and not orange, but somewhere in between, but not in a pretty way, just a fleshy way. and the look on his face... you can just tell he's up to something, and that something is not helping old lady cats cross the street. or maybe he is, but while he's doing it he's yoinking their old lady cat wallets out of their purses, which is even more evil than not helping them in the first place. i also saw him sitting right outside my cats' cat door when i came home the other day. i don't know if he's some hooligan friend of theirs or just waiting to beat them up, but either way, i don't like him.
so anyway, last night i was petting dodger, scratching his chin, when i noticed these brown spots all over his lips! i'd never seen them before, but i guess i hadn't looked in awhile, but i know i would've noticed them before if they were there. so i thought oh my gosh, what is going on?? has dodger been out there smoking so many cat cigarettes that he now has oral cat cancer?! where would he get cat cigarettes? lurky cat, of course! or -- gasp! is this some sort of cat STD?!? that dirty, fleshy, lurky cat! he WOULD have an STD. what am i going to doooo oh noooo my poor kitty : ((((((
so i googled it, and after the first couple pages of "OMG YOUR CAT HAZ DEATH DIZEAZ PLZ TAKE IT TO THE EMERGENCY DOCTOR VETZ RITE NOW OMGponies!!!!1!", i found a series of reputable sites that let me know orange cats get freckles on their lips with age, and it's nothing to worry about.
thank you, cat internet!!

Nov 10, 2010
caught on tape
Nov 4, 2010
a fresh-baked loaf of bread, the fur of a lounging cat's belly, and a dryer lint trap
Nov 1, 2010
post-halloween blues
Oct 24, 2010
Oct 2, 2010
thiiiiiink abouuuuuut itttttttt...
you know, every halloween we put pumpkins on porches, but i bet pumpkins think they put us inside houses. i mean, as far as they know, the only reason we HAVE porches is so they have a place to sit each year. we go to school, we get jobs, we save up, and we buy houses JUST so we can put them on our porches. and really, isn't that kiiiiind of true? don't we all kiiiiind of do everything we do for the sake of pumpkin comfort and satisfaction? isn't our whole lives just one big tribute to pumpkins? aren't we all walking around just waiting to sacrifice ourselves, our children, and our children's children to a pumpkin whenever it commands with just the slightest of indications? i mean that's preeeeeetty much how it is, right? you guys think that?
anyway i'm really looking forward to halloween this year!
Sep 28, 2010
Sep 27, 2010
thinking ahead

Sep 22, 2010
Sep 14, 2010
Sep 8, 2010
To: Johnny
Aug 31, 2010
anyway i woke up feeling pretty good about blogging today!