- traveled abroad solo twice
- got a new job when the old one wasn't working for me anymore
- moved to a nice apartment
- bought a new car
- learned to climb and went to the gym regularly
- took care of my cats
- maintained my friendships
- threw the baddest birthday ball
- put on three friends talent shows
- dated a bunch
- paid all my bills on time
- ate mostly healthy
- got help when i was depressed
- took improv classes and did some open mics
- started contributing to my retirement
- tweeted a bunch of jokes
- learned how to make videos
- read a lot of books and spent time with my book club
- flossed consistently
i can do it alone. i can do the heck out of it alone. but i don't want to anymore. i want to be taken care of, and i want to take care of someone. i want life to be a little easier, and i want to share some of the moments that i've been spending alone.
i still want my own time and space and my own life -- i've grown very fond of those things -- but i want to let someone in a little closer. not yoked, just holding hands.